So recently my friend recommended I made a macro lens for my phone after she made one and it was really successful! Just to clear up, a macro lens is just a lens from a disposable camera that you put over the top of your phone camera. From a distance, the photos are blurry but its brilliant for close up photos and views things in a lot of detail. Also, it's really simple to make!
The macro lens I made is so so basic it is literally blu tacked on my phone, but it works well anyway.
The disposable camera was £7.50 and they were buy one get one free at boots but you could use an old one as well.
What you need:
- Disposable camera
- Butter knife
- Blu tack
I started by taking the cover off and the batteries out so I didn't get a shock. To get the lens out you have to take the whole camera apart.
I then got the butter knife and just prised it open wherever I could. After a while, everything came apart and this is what I was left with!
Out of the pile, all you need is the lens. I then just put blu tack around the edge of the lens (also remember not to use glue or anything because you really don't want it there permanently).
That's it!
Here's some photos I took with it, I'm no good at photography so they're nothing special but it's just to give you an idea about the kind of things you would use it for :)
Thank you for reading!
Let me know if this was useful for you/found it interesting, I would really appreciate it :)
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